
The Gothspell of St. Linux

Yeshvir tha Dominator update: Recently, Yesh converted to an exciting religion called "Linux." He was babtized (sudo banp -t -x) friday morning when he used the MacOS program "bootcamp" to partition his Macbook's hard drive in to two chunks, a MacOS partition and a thrilling new ext3 partition. Yesh took a writ CD-R and placed it as an offering in the CD slot on his laptop. Upon restarting his Macbook, Yesh had an epiphany in the form of the Kubuntu live CD boot menu. Possessed by religious furvor, Yesh declined to boot off the CD and instead installed Kubuntu (KDE 4.0 version) to his hard drive. Lately, Yesh has been enjoying the speed of linux while browing the internet, but is forgoing the earthly pleasure of music because he has been unable to configure his proprietary soundcard. Yesh has also taken to eating vegetarian, stargazing, eating fresh chili peppers, burning insence in bowls of milk and blood, and shaved his pubic hair since he allowed linux to come in to his life.

Despite the urging of his close friends, Nick still refuses to open his eyes to the light of linux. May root have mercy on his soul. /amen/

EXTRA: As for that so-called "Christian Rock" band. A Youtube video of one of the members, bassist and lead singer Joseph "goodlooks" Roman, recently surfaced. It is presented here:

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