
First recipe: Nick cooked lunch

Black Beans and Yam quick chili

1/2 yam, peeled and cubed
1/2 onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
1/2 cup mixed bell pepper slices
1 can black beans
2 tsp salt
4 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp clove, ground
2 1/2 tbsp cumin

Heat a few tsp of oil with a high smoke point, such as sunflower. Add the cubed yam and stir fry until the orange color brightens up. Pour a small amount of water into the pan and put a lid on it. Steam the yam until it is soft. Cook off the remaining water and add a few more drops of oil. Stir fry the onion and garlic until it starts to soften. Add the bell pepper slices. Pour off half of the liquid from the can and add to the pan. Cook until heated through. Serve with tortillas.

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